Thursday, August 31, 2017

3 midyear tax planning strategies for business

Grain Valley Income Tax Preparation

Tax reform has been a major topic of discussion in Washington, but it’s still unclear exactly what such legislation will include and whether it will be signed into law this year. However, the last major tax legislation that was signed into law — back in December of 2015 — still has a significant impact on tax planning for businesses. Let’s look at three midyear tax strategies inspired by the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act:
1. Buy equipment. The PATH Act preserved both the generous limits for the Section 179 expensing election and the availability of bonus depreciation. These breaks generally apply to qualified fixed assets, including equipment or machinery, placed in service during the year. For 2017, the maximum Sec. 179 deduction is $510,000, subject to a $2,030,000 phaseout threshold. Without the PATH Act, the 2017 limits would have been $25,000 and $200,000, respectively. Higher limits are now permanent and subject to inflation indexing.
Additionally, for 2017, your business may be able to claim 50% bonus depreciation for qualified costs in excess of what you expense under Sec. 179. Bonus depreciation is scheduled to be reduced to 40% in 2018 and 30% in 2019 before it’s set to expire on December 31, 2019.
2. Ramp up research. After years of uncertainty, the PATH Act made the research credit permanent. For qualified research expenses, the credit is generally equal to 20% of expenses over a base amount that’s essentially determined using a historical average of research expenses as a percentage of revenues. There’s also an alternative computation for companies that haven’t increased their research expenses substantially over their historical base amounts.
In addition, a small business with $50 million or less in gross receipts may claim the credit against its alternative minimum tax (AMT) liability. And, a start-up company with less than $5 million in gross receipts may claim the credit against up to $250,000 in employer Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) taxes.
3. Hire workers from “target groups.” Your business may claim the Work Opportunity credit for hiring a worker from one of several “target groups,” such as food stamp recipients and certain veterans. The PATH Act extended the credit through 2019. It also added a new target group: long-term unemployment recipients.
Generally, the maximum Work Opportunity credit is $2,400 per worker. But it’s higher for workers from certain target groups, such as disabled veterans.
One last thing to keep in mind is that, in terms of tax breaks, “permanent” only means that there’s no scheduled expiration date. Congress could still pass legislation that changes or eliminates “permanent” breaks. But it’s unlikely any of the breaks discussed here would be eliminated or reduced for 2017. To keep up to date on tax law changes and get a jump start on your 2017 tax planning, contact us.

Mike Mead, EA, CTC
Alliance Financial & Income Tax
807 NW Vesper Street
Blue Springs, MO. 64015
P - 816-220-2001 x201
F - 816-220-2012

Monday, August 28, 2017

10 Steps to Tax Preparation

The federal government estimates that 60% of individuals use paid preparers to complete and submit their tax returns. If you are one of these people, it’s important to get started right away so you can have a successful tax return experience. 

Your preparer may take information directly from you or ask you to complete a questionnaire. Either way, you’ll need time to gather and organize the information. Here are 10 steps to take before meeting for your tax prep.

Tax-Prep List

If you don’t yet have a Grain Valley tax preparer, now’s the time to find one. A great way to find a preparer is to ask friends and advisors (e.g., an attorney you know) to make a referral. (For more, read How to Find the Best Tax Preparer for You.) Be sure that the person you choose has a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) showing that he or she is authorized to prepare federal income tax returns. Also inquire about the fees, which likely will depend on the complexity of your return; steer clear of anyone taking a percentage of your refund. The IRS has other tips for choosing a preparer, including a link to the IRS directory of preparers (you can search according to the qualifications you’re looking for).

The sooner you meet with your preparer, the sooner you can begin the process (even if you get an extension, as discussed later). It is especially important to act promptly if you anticipate a refund so you can receive your money promptly. If you wait too long to schedule an appointment, you may not get to see your preparer before April 17, which could mean you won’t be advised of actions that can still lower your 2016 tax bill, such as your eligibility for making deductible contributions to IRAs and health savings accounts for 2016.

3. Gather your information returns.
By the end of January, you should have received various types of information returns that you need. For each form, verify that the information matches your own records.
Here are some of the most common forms: (Note: This is not a complete list; the IRS has information on the many other types of information returns you may need.
  • Form W-2 if you have a job
  • Form SSA-1099 if you received Social Security benefits
  • Various 1099s to report income such as cancellation of debt (1099-C), dividends (1099-D), interest (1099-INT), and nonemployee compensation paid to independent contractors (1099-MISC). Note: Form 1099-B, which reports gains and losses on securities transactions, is not due to you until February 16, 2016.
  • New Form 1095-A to report information from the government Marketplace from which you purchased health coverage
  • Various 1098s reporting mortgage interest (1098), student loan interest (1098-E) and tuition payments (1098-T)
  • Form W-2Gs for certain gambling winnings
  • Schedule K-1s from entities in which you have an ownership interest (e.g., S corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, trusts or estates). Note: You may not have received them yet; they could come as late as September 15, 2016, so check with the entity.
4. Get your receipts together.
Which ones you need depends on whether you choose to itemize your personal deductions instead of claiming the standard deduction. You can choose to itemize if this produces the greater write-off. Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure is to determine the amount of your itemized deductions and compare them with your standard deduction amount.
For itemizing, get receipts together now by whatever system (or lack of system) used throughout the year to retain receipts for various deductible expenses. Look for receipts for medical costs not covered by insurance or reimbursed by any other health plan (e.g., a flexible spending account or health savings account), property taxes, and job-related and investment-related expenses.

If you have business income and expenses to report on Schedule C, you’ll need to share your books and records (e.g., QuickBooks or other accounting system; receipts for expenses; bank and credit card statements). The more organized you can be, the less time it will take your preparer, which translates into lower fees for his/her service.

5. Gather records for charitable contributions.
If you made donations to charity and itemize your deductions, you need specific records to claim any write-off. For example, for contributions of $250 or more, you need a written acknowledgment from the charity stating the amount of your gift and that you did not receive anything (other than perhaps a token item) in return. If you’re lacking an acknowledgment, contact the charity and ask for it. You need it in hand by the time you file your return. Find details about the type of records needed for charitable deductions in IRS Publication 1771.

6. Brace yourself for tax law changes.
You don’t have to become a tax expert but it helps to know about new tax rules so you won’t be caught off guard. The individual healthcare mandate brought in a slew of changes, including new forms for claiming the premium tax credit for eligible individuals who purchased coverage through a government Marketplace (exchange) and for figuring the shared responsibility payment for those who failed to carry coverage and do not qualify for an exemption. Find general information about the individual mandate and about exemptions from the mandate on the IRS website. (For deadlines for enrolling through the Health Insurance Marketplace, click here.)

7. Make a list of personal information.
You probably know your Social Security number, but do you know the number for each dependent you claim? Jot down this and other information (e.g., addresses of vacation homes and rental property; dates you moved; information about property you bought and sold, including dates, what you originally paid, what you received on the sale and expenses you had) needed to complete your return.

8. Decide whether to ask for a filing extension.
If you need more time to complete all of these tasks, you can request a filing extension to October 15, 2016. This will avoid any late-filing penalty, but be sure to pay what you think you’ll owe to minimize or avoid any late-payment penalty. There’s no extension beyond April 18 for paying the tax that is due.
9. Decide what to do about a refund.
If you expect a refund, you have several options on what you want the government to do:
  • Apply some or all of the refund toward your tax bill on the next return. The fund will be used for estimated taxes, reducing or eliminating the first installment of estimated taxes (due April 17, 2017).

  • Send you a check or deposit the refund directly into your checking or savings account.
  • Directly contribute some or all of your refund to certain types of accounts (IRAs, health savings accounts, education savings accounts) or to buy U.S. Savings bonds through Treasury Direct.
You can split your refund among the direct deposit choices by completing Form 8888. You’ll want to tell your tax return preparer what you want to do. And if you want the refunds used for 2016 purposes (e.g., you want to use the refund to make a deductible IRA contribution for 2016), you’ll need to inform the institution about the right year to which it should apply your payment.

10. Find a copy of last year’s return.
If you use the same preparer that you used last year, likely the old return is already on hand. If you go to a new preparer, last year’s return serves as a reminder to the preparer – and you – of some items you don’t want to overlook. Examples:
  • Payors of interest and dividends. If you received this income last year, look for 1099s for this year (unless you’ve sold stocks, closed bank accounts or made other investment changes that account for not getting a 1099 this year).
  • Charities. If you made small gifts, you may not have received any acknowledgment from the organization, but you can still deduct your gift as long as you have a canceled check or other proof. See last year’s list of organizations you donated to and see whether you made similar gifts this year.

The Bottom Line

Start early doing prep work for your income tax so you’ll have a successful tax return experience. Ideally, you will have been gathering and organizing your receipts all year. (Apps like Expensify and Shoeboxed on a smartphone make it easier, now that the IRS accepts electronic receipts.) Whether you’re doing your own return, or having a preparer do it, thorough documentation and organized records will reduce the time (and therefore the expense if you’re using a paid preparer). Most of all, these 10 preparation steps will ensure that you’re not missing out on any tax benefits.

Mike Mead, EA, CTC
Alliance Financial & Income Tax
807 NW Vesper Street
Blue Springs, MO. 64015
P - 816-220-2001 x201
F - 816-220-2012

Keep Track of Miscellaneous Deductions

Tax help from your Grain Valley tax preparation office.

Miscellaneous deductions such as certain work-related expenses you paid for as an employee can reduce your tax bill, but you must itemize deductions when you file to claim these costs. If you usually claim the standard deduction, think about itemizing instead because you might be able to pay less tax. Here are some tax tips that may help you reduce your taxes:
Deductions Subject to the Limit. You can deduct most miscellaneous costs only if their sum is more than two percent of your adjusted gross income. These include expenses such as,
  • Unreimbursed employee expenses.
  • Job search costs for a new job in the same line of work.
  • Some work clothes and uniforms.
  • Tools for your job.
  • Union dues.
  • Work-related travel and transportation.
  • The cost you paid to prepare your tax return. These fees include the cost you paid for tax preparation software. They also include any fee you paid for e-filing of your return.
Deductions Not Subject to the Limit. Some deductions are not subject to the two percent limit. They include:
  • Certain casualty and theft losses. In most cases, this rule applies to damaged or stolen property you held for investment. This may include personal property such as works of art, stocks, and bonds.
  • Gambling losses up to the total of your gambling winnings.
  • Losses from Ponzi-type investment schemes.
You claim allowable miscellaneous deductions on Schedule A, Itemized Deductions, but keep in mind, however, that there are many expenses that you cannot deduct. For example, you can't deduct personal living or family expenses.
Need more information about itemizing deductions or help setting up a system to track your itemized deductions? Don't hesitate to call your Grain Valley tax preparation office.

Mike Mead, EA, CTC
Alliance Financial & Income Tax
807 NW Vesper Street
Blue Springs, MO. 64015
P - 816-220-2001 x201
F - 816-220-2012

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Tax and Financial Advice For Families and Small Business in the Kansas City Area Looking for Someone to Trust

Alliance Financial & Income Tax is a tax preparation and financial services business located in Blue Springs, MO. Our team of experienced Enrolled Agents offer a broad range of services for business owners, executives, and independent professionals. Alliance Financial prides itself on our affordable, experienced, and friendly services including: 
Save yourself the time, energy and hassle by letting us take care of doing your federal tax return and state taxes.  An Enrolled Agent (EA) is a federally-authorized tax preparer who has technical taxation expertise and who is empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before all administrative levels of the Internal Revenue Service for IRS audit help, collections, and appeals.
The certified tax professionals in our office will ensure you are not overpaying on your taxes with our complete and thorough understanding of the tax laws in processing your tax returns. You do not ever want to be faced with IRS tax problems but if you find yourself in that situation, don’t hesitate to call on us, we can help. Alliance Financial is proud to offer complimentary tax returns for active military personnel. 
Call today for a complimentary initial consultation. The sooner you call, the sooner our Enrolled Agents can get started evaluating your financial situation and saving your hard earned money.

Mike Mead, EA, CTC
Alliance Financial & Income Tax
807 NW Vesper Street
Blue Springs, MO. 64015
P - 816-220-2001 x201
F - 816-220-2012

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Closing The Gap - Addressing Retirement Shortfalls

Blue Springs Financial Adviser

Most people approach retirement in one of three ways.

There are those who have looked forward to retirement for years, systematically contributed to their IRAs or 401(k)s, consistently saved, prudently invested and even implemented strategies to counter the impact of rising inflation.

Then there are those who didn’t plan quite so care-fully, but felt confident that they could rely on the equity in their homes, their Social Security benefits, their retirement accounts and their savings to carry them through.

Many Americans fall into yet a third category: those who didn’t give their retirements much thought at all – figuring they’d deal with the issues when they got there.

Regardless of the description that best suits you, take the time to delve deeper into your current retirement plans. Understanding your finances is the first step toward conquering whatever challenges you may face.

Reassess Your Finances and Your Goals

Turbulence in the housing and financial markets, combined with the prospect of rising inflation and longer lifespans, means you must be confident that you can finance your normal living expenses for years to come, as well as handle any health-related issues that may arise.

Given all of those factors, you may determine that your long-anticipated vacation home or trip is temporarily out of reach. However, your core requirements for a secure retirement remain. If after reviewing your needs and goals, as well as your portfolio performance, you and your financial adviser conclude that you have a shortfall and can’t afford the goals you previously planned for, you face some decisions.

It may help to realize that you are not alone. Many Americans in their 50s and 60s are delaying – or significantly revising – their retirement plans. In fact, only 13% of workers are “very confident” that they will have the money they need to retire, according to a 2009 study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

Closing the Gap

If you’re not certain that your retirement assets are enough to finance the years ahead of you, you are not alone.

Of workers concerned about their abilities to finance their retirements:
y             81% have reduced their expenses,
y             43% are changing how they invest their money,
y             38% are working more hours or holding a second job, and
y             25% are saving more money.

Source:  Employee Benefit Research Institute’s 2009 Retirement Confidence Survey

Take a Second Look

Begin by redefining your core objectives. Deter-mine what is essential to you, and what is not, and consider whether there are simple lifestyle changes you can make today that will make your retirement years easier.

If you’re still working, start looking for ways to reduce your current spending and save more. Whether the changes are as major as postponing the purchase of a second home or as minor as cutting back on entertainment expenses, redeploy the savings to maximize contributions to your retirement accounts or other investment assets.

You may also want to take another look at spending that perhaps you hadn’t previously considered discretionary – such as helping to fund a grandchild’s education or donating regularly to a favorite charity. Only when you’re once again confident that your portfolio is robust enough to provide a secure retirement should you consider resuming such expenditures. You owe it to yourself to safeguard your own future.

As the money you’re saving adds up, work with your financial adviser to ensure that it’s allocated effectively. You should be confident that your investments are properly allocated – for instance, that the  balance between growth- and income-oriented assets is appropriate and that income will be avail-able to you when you need to access it.

If you find a gap still exists between the amount you need to live and the income your portfolio can consistently generate, you may decide to continue working or return to work, perhaps in a different occupation or on a part-time basis.

A recent AARP study found that many individuals aged 50 and above obtain a great deal of satisfaction by continuing to work – not to mention additional income.
These individuals often take pay cuts and may not receive pension and healthcare benefits, the study found. But, many of the workers surveyed over a 14-year period that began in 1992 said they dealt with less stress and enjoyed the flexible work schedules their new jobs offered.
In fact, 91% of those surveyed said they enjoyed their work, a significant increase from the 79% who said they liked their old jobs.

Managing Your Social Security Benefits

If you delay your retirement, you also may be able to postpone accessing your Social Security benefits – benefits that represent about 40% of the average retiree’s income in the United States. The longer you wait to take advantage of your Social Security, the higher your payments will be.

The government gives you several options with regard to Social Security. More than two-thirds of eligible Americans choose to take their benefits early – after they reach 62 but before they reach full retirement age. However, if you are still working, and do not need the income, you may instead:

y             Wait until you reach your full retirement age before tapping into Social Security or
y             Defer Social Security benefits for as long as you want … until you reach age 70, when you    must begin taking them.

If you take Social Security between age 62 and your full retirement age, you’ll be paid over a longer period, but you’ll receive less per payment. Should you defer receiving Social Security, your payments will increase by 6% to 8% for every year that you do not take benefits and reach their maximum when you turn 70.

Taking Action

There are steps you can take to rebuild your assets and strategies you can use to help secure your retirement.

Asserting control over your financial future requires a rational, objective mindset and the recognition that you will likely need to take some proactive steps. Your Blue Springs financial adviser can help explain your options and guide you along the way.

Mike Mead, EA, CTC
Alliance Financial & Income Tax
807 NW Vesper Street
Blue Springs, MO. 64015
P - 816-220-2001 x201
F - 816-220-2012

Monday, August 14, 2017

Your Changing Definition of Risk in Retirement

Blue Springs Financial Advisor

During your accumulation years, you may have categorized your risk as “conservative,” “moderate,” or “aggressive” and that guided how your portfolio was built. Maybe you concerned yourself with finding the “best-performing funds,” even though you knew past performance does not guarantee future results.
Your Blue Springs financial advisor's office can guide you through this process.
What occurs with many retirees is a change in mindset—it’s less about finding the “best-performing fund” and more about consistent performance. It may be less about a risk continuum—that stretches from conservative to aggressive—and more about balancing the objectives of maximizing your income and sustaining it for a lifetime.
You may even find yourself willing to forego return potential for steady income.
A change in your mindset may drive changes in how you shape your portfolio and the investments you choose to fill it.
Let’s examine how this might look at an individual level.

Still Believe

During your working years, you understood the short-term volatility of the stock market but accepted it for its growth potential over longer time periods. You’re now in retirement and still believe in that concept. In fact, you know stocks remain important to your financial strategy over a 30-year or more retirement period.¹
But you’ve also come to understand that withdrawals from your investment portfolio have the potential to accelerate the depletion of your assets when investment values are declining. How you define your risk tolerance may not have changed, but you understand the new risks introduced by retirement. Consequently, it’s not so much about managing your exposure to stocks, but considering new strategies that adapt to this new landscape.¹

Shift the Risk

For instance, it may mean that you hold more cash than you ever did when you were earning a paycheck. It also may mean that you consider investments that shift the risk of market uncertainty to another party, such as an insurance company. Many retirees choose annuities for just that reason.
The guarantees of an annuity contract depend on the issuing company’s claims-paying ability. Annuities have contract limitations, fees, and charges, including account and administrative fees, underlying investment management fees, mortality and expense fees, and charges for optional benefits. Most annuities have surrender fees that are usually highest if you take out the money in the initial years of the annuity contract. Withdrawals and income payments are taxed as ordinary income. If a withdrawal is made prior to age 59½, a 10% federal income tax penalty may apply (unless an exception applies).
The march of time affords us ever-changing perspectives on life, and that is never more true than during retirement.
  1. Keep in mind that the return and principal value of stock prices will fluctuate as market conditions change. And shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost.This is a hypothetical example used for illustrative purposes only.

Mike Mead, EA, CTC
Alliance Financial & Income Tax
807 NW Vesper Street
Blue Springs, MO. 64015
P - 816-220-2001 x201
F - 816-220-2012

Friday, August 11, 2017

Deducting S corporation Health Insurance Premiums

Notice 2008-1 contains the rules (and examples) for deducting accident and health insurance premiums by a more-than-2% shareholder/employee of an S corporation.
Section 1372(a) provides that, for purposes of applying the income tax provisions of the Code relating to employee fringe benefits, an S corporation shall be treated as a partnership, and any 2-percent shareholder of the S corporation shall be treated as a partner of such partnership.

Definition of a 2% Shareholder

The following is from IRS Notice 2008-1:
For purposes of § 1372, the term "2-percent shareholder" is any person who owns (or is considered as owning within the meaning of § 318) on any day during the taxable year of the S corporation more than 2 percent of the outstanding stock of such corporation or stock possessing more than 2 percent of the total combined voting power of all stock of such corporation.

How an S corporation Deducts Health Insurance Premiums

An S corporation deducts the premiums it pays for accident and health insurance to cover a 2% shareholder/employee (and his spouse and dependents) as compensation paid to the shareholder/employee. In other words, the premiums are included in the shareholder/employee's salary and reported on the individual's W-2 form.
Notice 2008-1 states that health insurance premiums paid or furnished by an S corporation on behalf of its 2 percent shareholders in consideration for services rendered "are treated for income tax purposes like partnership guaranteed payments under § 707(c) of the Code. Rev. Rul. 91-26, 1991-1 C.B. 184."

Health Insurance Premium Deduction Rules

The rules that apply to S corporations also apply to:
  • Partnerships and
  • Multi-member LLCs (but not to a single-member LLC)

Plan Must be Established By the Business:

If you're a more-than-2% shareholder/employee in an S corporation, a partner in a partnership, or a member in a multi-member LLC, you may only deduct health insurance premiums directly on Form 1040, line 29, Self-employed health insurance deduction, IF the health insurance plan is considered to have been established by the business and not by you personally.
In determining if the business estabished the plan, whose name the policy is in is not taken into account (it could be in the more-than-2% shareholder/employee's name or in the business's name).
The following two elements are considered in determining who established the plan:
  1. Who actually pays the premiums, and
  2. How the premiums are reported for income tax purposes by both you and the business
For the plan to be considered established by the business, the business must pay the premiums and include the the premiums in the more-than-2% S corporation shareholder/employee's gross wages on Form W-2. If the more-than-2% S corporation shareholder/employee puts the policy in his own name, personally pays the premiums without getting reimbursed from the business, the plan is not considered to have been established by the business and the .

Any One of Three Scenarios Must Be Satisfied

For an accident and health insurance plan to be considered established by the business, any one of the following three scenarios must apply:

Scenario 1:

The business obtains an accident and health insurance policy in the business's name to cover its more-than 2% shareholder/employees (in the case of an S corporation), partners (in the case of a partnership), and members (in the case of a multi-member LLC). The plan also covers their spouses and dependents:
  • The business makes all the premium payments.
  • The business reports the amount of the premiums as:
    • Part of gross wages on Form W-2, in the case of a more-than-2% shareholder/employee of an S corporation.
    • Guaranteed income in each partner's Schedule K-1, in the case of a partnership..
    • Guaranteed income in each LLC member's Schedule K-1, in the case of an LLC.
      • The default tax treatment of a multi-member LLC is that of a partnership if no election is made to treat the LLC as an S corporation or C corporation.
      • If an election was made on Form 2553 to treat the LLC as an S corporation, then the LLC members would be treated as employees of the business instead of partners (the default tax treatment) and the premiums would be reported in each member's W-2 as part of their gross wages.
Scenario 1 Result:
  • In this scenario, the plan is established by the S corporation.
  • Each 2% shareholder/employee, partner, and LLC member may take the deduction on Form 1040, line 29.
  • If you were a more-than-2% shareholder/employee of an S corporation, the health insurance premiums paid on your behalf would be included in your gross wages on your W-2.
  • If you were a partner in a partnership or member of a multi-member LLC, the premiums would be included in your Schedule K-1 as guaranteed income.

Scenario 2:

A more-than-2% shareholder/employee, partner, or member of a multi-member LLC obtains an accident and health insurance policy in his own name:
  • The business makes all the premium payments.
  • The business reports the amount of the premiums as:
    • Part of gross wages on Form W-2, in the case of a more-than-2% shareholder/employee of an S corporation.
    • Guaranteed income in each partner's Schedule K-1, in the case of a partnership.
    • Guaranteed income in each LLC member's Schedule K-1, in the case of an LLC.
      • A multi-member LLC is treated as a partnership, which is the default tax treatment if no election was made to treat the LLC as an S corp. or C corp.
      • If an election was made to treat the LLC as an S corporation, then the members would be treated as employees of the business and the premiums would be reported in each member's W-2 as part of their gross wages.
Results of Scenario 2:
  • In this scenario, the plan is established by the business even though the policy is not in the business's name.
  • The premiums paid by the business may be deducted on Form 1040, line 29.

Scenario 3:

A more-than-2% shareholder/employee, partner, or member of a multi-member LLC obtains a policy in his name to cover himself his spouse and two children.
  • The shareholder/employee, partner, or LLC member pays all the premiums
  • Proof of payment is provided to the business
  • The business reimburses the 2% shareholder/employee, partner, or LLC member for the premiums paid.
  • The business includes the amount of the premiums reimbursed to the 2% shareholder/employee in his W-2 gross wages.
  • The business reports the amount of the premiums reimbursed to the partner or LLC member as guaranteed income on Schedule K-1
Results of Scenario 3:
  • In this case, the health insurance plan is considered established by the business even though the plan is not in the business's name because the business reimbursed the premiums to the 2% shareholder/employee, partner, or LLC member,
  • The 2% shareholder/employee, partner, and LLC member may deduct the premiums paid on Form 1040, line 29.
  • The more-than-2% shareholder/employee, partner, and LLC member report the reimbursed premiums in their gross income on Form 1040 as explained in Scenario 1.

When a 2% S corporation Shareholder, Partner, or LLC Member May Not Claim the Deduction on Form 1040, Line 29:

Here's a situation where health insurance premiums may not be deducted directly on Form 1040, line 29:
  • A more-than-2% shareholder/employee, partner, or member of a multi-member LLC pays the premiums for a health insurance policy.
  • The business does not make any premium payments and does not reimburse the premium payments made by the 2% shareholder/employee, partner, or LLC member
In this case, the plan was not established by the business because the business did not pay any of the premiums nor did the business reimburse the premiums to the 2% shareholder/employee, partner, or LLC member.
The premiums may not be deducted on Form 1040, line 29. Instead, the deduction may only be claimed on Schedule A as an itemized deduction as a medical expense.
Note: As of 2013, to get a tax benefit for medical expenses on Schedule A, medical expenses must exceed 10% of adjusted gross income for individuals under 65 years of age (7 1/2% for individuals 65 or older). The 7 1/2% of AGI exception for taxpayers 65 or older will be in effect from 2013 through December 2017, unless Congress extends this exception.
Do not include amounts for any month you were eligible to participate in an employer-sponsored health plan (Section 162(l)(2)(B)) or amounts paid from retirement plan distributions that were nontaxable because you were a retired public safety officer.
You cannot claim the health insurance premium deduction if you file Form 1040A or Form 1040EZ.

Earned Income From Trade or Business Limitation

The deduction for health insurance premiums is not allowed to the extent that the amount of the deduction exceeds the earned income derived by the taxpayer from the trade or business with respect to which the plan providing the medical care coverage is established.

Blue Springs Amended Income Tax Returns

Taxpayers who did not claim the health insurance deduction on a prior year's return may file an amended return on Form 1040X. It must be filed timely (3 years from the due date of the original return, plus extensions, or 2 years from the date the tax was paid, whichever is later).
You need to write the following at the top of the amended return:
  • Filed Pursuant to Notice 2008-1
Notice 2008-1 contains the rules (and examples) for deducting accident and health insurance premiums by a 2% shareholder/employee of an S corporation.

Mike Mead, EA, CTC
Alliance Financial & Income Tax
807 NW Vesper Street
Blue Springs, MO. 64015
P - 816-220-2001 x201
F - 816-220-2012

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Are your Social Security Benefits Taxable?

Blue Springs Financial Consultants

Social security benefits include monthly retirement, survivor, and disability benefits. If you received Social security benefits in 2016, you should receive a Form SSA-1099, Social Security Benefit Statement, showing the amount.
Note: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments are not taxable.
If Social Security was your only source of income in 2016 your benefits might not be taxable. You also may not need to file a federal income tax return this year; however, if you receive income from other sources, then you may have to pay taxes on some of your benefits.
Your income and filing status affect whether you must pay taxes on your Social Security. An easy method of determining whether any of your benefits might be taxable is to add one-half of your Social Security benefits to all of your other income, including any tax-exempt interest.
Next, compare this total to the base amounts below. If your total is more than the base amount for your filing status, then some of your benefits may be taxable. In 2016, the three base amounts are:
  • $25,000 - for single, head of household, qualifying widow or widower with a dependent child or married individuals filing separately who did not live with their spouse at any time during the year
  • $32,000 - for married couples filing jointly
  • $0 - for married persons filing separately who lived together at any time during the year
Your taxable benefits and modified adjusted gross income are figured on a worksheet in the Form 1040A or Form 1040 Instruction booklet. Please call if you need assistance figuring this out.

Retired Abroad?

Retirement income is generally not taxed by other countries. As a U.S. citizen retiring abroad who receives Social Security, for instance, you may owe U.S. taxes on that income, but may not be liable for tax in the country where you're spending your retirement years.
If Social Security is your only income, then your benefits may not be taxable, and you may not need to file a federal income tax return. If you receive Social Security, you should receive a Form SSA-1099, Social Security Benefit Statement, showing the amount of your benefits.
However, if you receive income from other sources as well, from a part-time job or self-employment (either U.S. or the country you've retired to), you may have to pay U.S. taxes on some of your benefits.
You may also be required to report and pay taxes on any income earned in the country where you retired. Each country is different, so consult a local tax professional or one who specializes in expat tax services.

State Taxes

Some states tax social security income as well: Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and West Virginia.
Note: Even if you retire abroad, you may still owe state taxes--unless you established residency in a no-tax state before you moved overseas. Also, some states honor the provisions of U.S. tax treaties; however, some states do not, therefore it is prudent to consult a tax professional.
Questions about income related to Social Security? Contact your Blue Springs financial consultants today at 816-220-2001.

Mike Mead, EA, CTC
Alliance Financial & Income Tax
807 NW Vesper Street
Blue Springs, MO. 64015
P - 816-220-2001 x201
F - 816-220-2012